Comparative Gems

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Veterans Clubs Can Help To Forge a Long Overdue American Economic Miracle

Comparative global economic facts have proven for many years that the U.S. has been in a relative economic decline.

Train systems in China and in all advanced economies are stunningly ahead of America’s backward system.

 A global wealth study done by an international bank revealed the shocking fact that a mismanaged, crowded and resource poor Italy working 29 percent less than Americans, has attained a median family net worth THREE times higher than resource rich and spacious America.

Almost all towns in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Scandinavia, etc. outmatch in their clean and attractive appearance our run-down towns with their slum houses and their marginal trailer homes. 

On top of all this, Americans are working more hours than any advanced economy and longer into old age, yet are not gaining.  In a recent year, according to one study, 47 percent of all working Americans did not take a single vacation day.  In spite of this, debts are not reduced and the 1.4 trillion student debt expands the national economic malaise and contributes indirectly to what one could almost call a financial and housing slumerica.

These brutal facts demand, in fact scream, to be solved.

To solve them and to reduce the harsh and destructive political confrontations in D.C. that echoes across the nation, a stunning 20 to 30 year-long economic miracle is needed.  It will not only improve the rusty infrastructure but benefit everyone so that contentment and hope are offered along with lots of other benefits.

Thousands of vet clubs spread across the nation with their Ladies Auxiliaries and their substantial popular support and influence are a suitable nationwide network for prodding the economy into the right direction.  Its members could discuss, criticize and evaluate policies locally, regionally and nationally on the exclusive basis of whether or not they will assure a contribution to a stunning economic miracle. 

Super wealthy people, who have too often produced services and products which did not enhance the living standard but did precisely the contrary, would be admired if they got wealthier through actions benefiting everyone.  Wall Street parasitism could be reduced substantially.  Investment money would have a favorable impact on everyone and not just on the few.

For too long, savings and investments have been collected and concentrated into one locality, Wall Street.  This maximized distances, minimized transparency, and maximized fraud and mismanagement.  It benefited primarily a few Wall Street CEOs and hedge fund managers.  From there the money was re-injected into the economy to spread chain businesses which prevented and/or demolished locally and regionally owned businesses.   Profits were not retained locally but were sent to Wall Street.

CEOs who do not produce products raising the living standard would be mindful of what the nationwide network of veterans clubs thinks of their actions.

To retain savings and investment locally and regionally could be facilitated by the nationwide system if vet clubs were to focus on this.  The results would gradually become self-evident and literally visible locally and regionally.  Wealth would spread more uniformly across the economy.

The shocking fact of having luxurious and pompous corporate/bureaucratic office buildings in ALL metros often next to rundown states of human habitation would no longer be tolerated if veterans were critical.  Wealth accumulation by bureaucracies, a major feature of America’s economic tragedy, would gradually change into wealth accumulation by individuals and families.  GDP growth would directly serve the people and not bureaucracies or the top 0.0l percent.

All of this could be achieved while working less, enjoying more vacations as nearly all successful advanced foreign economies do with mandated 4 to 6 weeks vacation per year and far more holidays.

If the veterans were to start a nationwide focus on an American economic miracle it would not only have untold positive domestic results but also foreign policy benefits which would be nothing less than awesome.  People around the globe would be so impressed with the U.S. that many would try to emulate its policies.  The U.S. would play the global role which Switzerland and Sweden have done in a modified way in Europe, and Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea and China have done in Asia. 

Overall the global feedback and results would serve America’s interest far more efficiently at far lower cost than holding a gun against communism or against any perceived or real enemy.  Military costs could be reduced and global influence enhanced through economic indirection and through its many intangible influences which would not be perceived to be a threat. 

If successful, veterans would enjoy the immense satisfaction of having decisively contributed in a very patriotic way for something which everyone wants, needs and respects.   The people would revere American Legion and VFW clubs across the nation.  The clubs will have garnered the admiration and thanks of all who benefited.  The results of an American economic miracle would last for generations and would indeed make America the greatest country in the history of the world.



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